Yippi..Again been nominated by kawan2 bloggers utk awards yg dianjurkan bloggers sendiri..Even x penah menang pon tp Alhamdulillah ini menunjukkan yg kawan2 bloggers rajin melawat blog aku..Aku jer yg x rajin nak lawat blog org..Xpe2..Sekarang pon memang tgh merajinkan diri utk BW..Sorry yer kawan2..Nanti kite g melawat blog korang k..

Thanks to Miss Hidy coz menglistkan aku sebagai nomine..Ok straights to the point,dengan rasminye aku mengjoinkan diri dalam entry kali ni...
ok first syarat2 yang perlu dipatuhi:
1. List 11 facts about yourself
2. Answer the 11 questions given to you
3.Create 11 new questions for the bloggers you nominate
4. Thanks the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.
5. Choose 5 bloggers with 200 or less followers to nominate.
6.Go to each bloggers page and let them know about the awards
Lets begin with the anwers
11 facts about myself:
1-org buat lawak aku x gelak tp pas2 aku mesti gelak tibe2 tanpe sebab
2-Penyenyap tp kalau dah lame aku giler2
3-Peminat setia Salman Khan.Asal ade cite die belakon konpem tgk
4-Sgt suke dgn kucing tp x penah nak bela
5-Makanan pedas menjadi kegemaran
6-Warna Kegemaran Blue, Black & White
7-Suke Merepek x tentu pasal
8-Jajan..jajan..jajan..2 jer paling suke mkn
9-Paling x suke dgn org yg hipokrit walaupon kadang2 aku pon mcm tue jugak
11-Dah xtau nak describe diri sendiri..huhu
1-org buat lawak aku x gelak tp pas2 aku mesti gelak tibe2 tanpe sebab
2-Penyenyap tp kalau dah lame aku giler2
3-Peminat setia Salman Khan.Asal ade cite die belakon konpem tgk
4-Sgt suke dgn kucing tp x penah nak bela
5-Makanan pedas menjadi kegemaran
6-Warna Kegemaran Blue, Black & White
7-Suke Merepek x tentu pasal
8-Jajan..jajan..jajan..2 jer paling suke mkn
9-Paling x suke dgn org yg hipokrit walaupon kadang2 aku pon mcm tue jugak
11-Dah xtau nak describe diri sendiri..huhu
Sekarang beralih pada nak mejawab soklan yg Miss Hidy bagi kat aku:
1-When you start blogging?
-Since 2011-
2-What your Biggest Fear?
-Of cos la Serangga Beracun-
3-Who is your favorite Actor & Actress?
-Salman Khan & Fauziah Gous-
4-Who is Your Best Fren?How Long you know each other?
-Ana & Fizah.Dari sekolah rendah lagi-
5-Do you love K-Pop?Why?
-Nop.Tah ape2 tah-
6-What is your first job?
7-How you see yourself in 5 years?
-Nothing Change..Hehehe-
8-Can you play any music instrument?
-Recorder-time sekolah2 dulu-
9-Do you have any secret admire before this?
10-Where do you like to go for honeymoon?
-Korea.Tah ape2 kan ckp x minat K-pop.Haha-
11-What you wedding theme?Why you choose it?
-Belum mampu nak pilih color theme lg.tgh poning kepalo den ni ha-
My turn to give next nominees question:
1-What is you nickname that people called you?
2-Do you have a boyfrenz?How many?
3-Who is you favorite designer?
4-Have you prepare your 'Baju Raya"?
5-Three thing that you must bring when you go shopping?
6-Have you ever wish birthday to someone that you really love?
7-Your favorite food * drinks?
8-Do you wish to invite our Perdana Menteri to your wedding?
9-Do you thinks all gurlz really like pink?
10-Your whishes for your next birthday?
11-Is it all my question difficult or "Giler"?:-)
Thank to Miss Hidy coz nominate me on this awards.Sayang Kamoo:-)
5 Bloggers who will be my nominees was:
-Cik Viva-Ini Cerita Cik Viva
-Nadiah Ashikin
-Miss Dilla-Journey to Happily Ever After
-Are Na-Anarizal Blog
-Rashida Hazran
Ok.everything was done..rajin2kan membaca yer,..hee.sory entry kali nih panjang sket..
Hai dear...Dilla dh kne nominated...but i'allah i'll answer your Q nt..thanx for nominating me :)
ReplyDeleteyeke..sowi..xpe2..take ur time k:-)
Deletewah2..peminat hindustan jgklah ni..hehe
ReplyDeleteBlanko tu ape ek?
Thanks for the answers..:)
Balnko tue xde idea..hehe
DeleteAll the best ya :D
ReplyDeleteThank You:-)
Deletedah lama tak main award2 ni huhu
ReplyDeleteCha Ramai followers dah ok dah,...x perlu awards2 nie..hee
DeleteAwak, kita dah tag awak dlm http://ainimrashihah.blogspot.com/2013/05/liebster-award.html segmen sama la pulak
ReplyDeleteInsyaAllah.Any way thanks yea:-)
Deleteu're welcome:-)
ReplyDeleteTq dik..nti akak try yer.....yg bab gelak tuh akak suka...sbb akak mmg suka grlak hahaha...
DeleteTq dik..nti akak try yer.....yg bab gelak tuh akak suka...sbb akak mmg suka grlak hahaha...
ReplyDeleteTq dik..nti akak try yer.....yg bab gelak tuh akak suka...sbb akak mmg suka grlak hahaha...
ReplyDeleteAll the best!@_@ =D
ReplyDeleteThank You:-)
Deletethanks sebab nominated nama shida....hehe
ReplyDeletein-sha-allah....shida akan try jawap yg terbaik...
Deleteshida dan jawab semua soalan yang aien bagi...shida harap aien terhibur...
shida dan jawab semua soalan yang aien bagi...shida harap aien terhibur...